Potensi Wisata Sidoarjo
Kabupaten Sidoarjo merupakan daerah yang masih memiliki potensi wisata, khususnya di bidang seni dan budaya. Karena di Sidoarjo banyak terdapat peninggalan bersejarah dari kerajaan Majapahit, baik candi maupun peninggalan budaya lainnya. Kurangnya Penanam modal dan pengembangan obyek obyek wisata yang belum dikelola secara profesional membuat industri wisata di kabupaten sidoarjo kurang berkembang.
Petik Laut
Merupakan upacara tradisional bagi nelayan di desa Banjar Kemuning Kecamatan Sedati. Upacara Petik laut diadakan merupakan ungkapan rasa syukur dan berterimakasih atas hasil tangkapan nelayan selama ini. Petik Laut diselengarakan setiap tahun. Masyarakat desa Banjar Kemuning dengan membawa bekal dari rumah kemudian berperahu bersama-sama menuju kelaut.
Pantai Ketingan
Satu-satunya objek wisata alam di kabupten di Kabupaten Sidoarjo . Pantai Ketingan berada di Desa Sawoan Kecamatan Buduran. Wisatawan berperahu selama kurang dari satu (1) jam sambil menikmati pemandangan alam, menyusuri sungai Karang Gayam menuju laut. kemudian makan siang dengan menu sea food
Pendopo Delta Krida Budaya
Tempat para seniman berkreasi, beraktivitas untuk memamerkan hasilnya. Lokasi yang mudah terjangkau, dekat dengan alun-alun Sidoarjo. Pendopo Delta Krida Budaya akan dijadikan pusat seni di Kabupaten Sidoarjo yang layak dikunjungi.
Masjid Agung Sidoarjo
Masjid Agung Sidoarjo berlokasi di sebelah barat Alun-alun Sidoarjo, dan didampingi oleh gedung DPRD Kabupaten Dati II Sidoarjo dan gedung Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kabupaten Sidoarjo.Tampak didepannya ditanami pohon-pohon untuk penghijauan sehingga menambah kesejukan dan keindahan. Bila kita masuk halaman masjid, tampaktaman dan tangga untuk menuju ke Tingkat II dan III. Dalam masjid tampak tiang-tiang berdiri tegak dan kokoh dengan lantai dan dinding terbuat dari marmer.
Kawasan INTAKO
Merupakan sentra industri kerajinan kulit yang memproduksi tas, koper, sepatu, dompet dll. Berlokasi di Kecamatan Tanggulangin 6 km kearah selatan kota Sidoarjo. Tempat wisata belanja dan pusat kerajinan yang sudah dikenal dan bertaraf internasional. Intako sudah merupakan paket kunjungan wisata manca negara dengan tujuan Tanggulangin - Bromo - Bali atau Tanggulangin - Malang - Bromo.
Wisata Belanja Makanan Khas Sidoarjo
Berada di pertokokan jalan Mojopahit Sidoarjo tidak pernah sepi pengunjung baik dari wisatawan manca negara maupun wisatawan nusantara. Makanan khas Sidoarjo seperti aneka kerupuk, bandeng asap, kepiting, petis udang, dan kupang lontong.Berbelanja makanan khas Sidoarjo tersebut diatas sangat tepat dan sangat mudah dibawa karena praktis dalam pengepakan dan mudah didapat.
Kabupaten Sidoarjo merupakan daerah yang masih memiliki potensi wisata, khususnya di bidang seni dan budaya. Karena di Sidoarjo banyak terdapat peninggalan bersejarah dari kerajaan Majapahit, baik candi maupun peninggalan budaya lainnya. Kurangnya Penanam modal dan pengembangan obyek obyek wisata yang belum dikelola secara profesional membuat industri wisata di kabupaten sidoarjo kurang berkembang.
Petik Laut
Merupakan upacara tradisional bagi nelayan di desa Banjar Kemuning Kecamatan Sedati. Upacara Petik laut diadakan merupakan ungkapan rasa syukur dan berterimakasih atas hasil tangkapan nelayan selama ini. Petik Laut diselengarakan setiap tahun. Masyarakat desa Banjar Kemuning dengan membawa bekal dari rumah kemudian berperahu bersama-sama menuju kelaut.
Pantai Ketingan
Satu-satunya objek wisata alam di kabupten di Kabupaten Sidoarjo . Pantai Ketingan berada di Desa Sawoan Kecamatan Buduran. Wisatawan berperahu selama kurang dari satu (1) jam sambil menikmati pemandangan alam, menyusuri sungai Karang Gayam menuju laut. kemudian makan siang dengan menu sea food
Pendopo Delta Krida Budaya
Tempat para seniman berkreasi, beraktivitas untuk memamerkan hasilnya. Lokasi yang mudah terjangkau, dekat dengan alun-alun Sidoarjo. Pendopo Delta Krida Budaya akan dijadikan pusat seni di Kabupaten Sidoarjo yang layak dikunjungi.
Masjid Agung Sidoarjo
Masjid Agung Sidoarjo berlokasi di sebelah barat Alun-alun Sidoarjo, dan didampingi oleh gedung DPRD Kabupaten Dati II Sidoarjo dan gedung Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kabupaten Sidoarjo.Tampak didepannya ditanami pohon-pohon untuk penghijauan sehingga menambah kesejukan dan keindahan. Bila kita masuk halaman masjid, tampaktaman dan tangga untuk menuju ke Tingkat II dan III. Dalam masjid tampak tiang-tiang berdiri tegak dan kokoh dengan lantai dan dinding terbuat dari marmer.
Kawasan INTAKO
Merupakan sentra industri kerajinan kulit yang memproduksi tas, koper, sepatu, dompet dll. Berlokasi di Kecamatan Tanggulangin 6 km kearah selatan kota Sidoarjo. Tempat wisata belanja dan pusat kerajinan yang sudah dikenal dan bertaraf internasional. Intako sudah merupakan paket kunjungan wisata manca negara dengan tujuan Tanggulangin - Bromo - Bali atau Tanggulangin - Malang - Bromo.
Wisata Belanja Makanan Khas Sidoarjo
Berada di pertokokan jalan Mojopahit Sidoarjo tidak pernah sepi pengunjung baik dari wisatawan manca negara maupun wisatawan nusantara. Makanan khas Sidoarjo seperti aneka kerupuk, bandeng asap, kepiting, petis udang, dan kupang lontong.Berbelanja makanan khas Sidoarjo tersebut diatas sangat tepat dan sangat mudah dibawa karena praktis dalam pengepakan dan mudah didapat.
Info Pusat Perbelanjaan |
Pusat perkulaan MAKRO dan perbelanjaan Sinar Maspion yang letaknya berdampingan memudahkan pengunjung untuk memenuhi kebutuhan belanjanya. Terletak di desa Pepelegi Kecamatan Waru Kabupaten Sidoarjo. |
Giant Supermarket. Pusat perbelanjaan yang lengkap, menyediakan berbagai keperluan Anda. Terletak di Sun City Jl. Pahlawan Sidoarjo. Letaknya sangat strategis karena berdekatan dengan Water Park dan Pusat perbelanjaan yang lain. |
Pusat penjualan makanan khas Sidoarjo seperti krupuk udang, petis udang, terasi, bandeng presto, bandeng asap dan lain sebagainya terdapat di sepanjang jalan Mojopahit Sidoarjo. |
Pusat Industri rumah tangga Tas dan Koper (Intako) serta Bordir di Desa kedensari dan Kludan Kecamatan Tanggulangin. |
Pusat perbelanjaan Ramayana Dept.Store telah membuka lagi cabang nya di lokasi yang sangat strategis mudah di capai oleh masyarakat dengan nama MALL SIDOARJO. |
HERO SUPERMARKET, melengkapi sarana perbelanjaan di Sidoarjo untuk memudah kan masyarakat Sidoarjo mencari barang kebutuhan sehari hari . Batik Tulis Kenongo Sidoarjo After the tragedy of Lapindo mud flow, Sidoarjo become more popular. Long before the tragedy, this town is famous by its particular things like the shrimp and, of course, the traditional hand writing batik. One of those handwriting batik crafts, is located in Kenongo village. There are lots of designs from traditional Batik that will make you wonder, it is available for those who are fanatics to Batik. The quality of Kenongo Batik been recoqnized in worldwide, even, it already received five awards from some countries, like Spain and France. Hence, the price is also appropriated by the quality. Diligent, creativity and hard work is the main asset to build the succesfulness among the Batik craftmen in Kenongo. Kenongo Handwriting Batik was build in 1979 by Oesman Jasir. After retiring as an employee of the state court in Soeharto’s era, Oesman was open batik industry in Sidoarjo. Precisely at Kenongo Village, Tulangan District, Sidoarjo, East Java. Within Kenongo particular design, the craftmen put the touch of modernization and traditional culture into the masterpiece, like the pattern of shrimp, milk fish or heron were the first patter design in early Kenongo design. The colors are tend to be bright, unlike the Solo or Yogyakarta batik which is tend to has soft color. Those particulars are become the icon from Kenongo Batik. Handwriting batik is just made into one or two sheeds on every models. Thus make Kenongo batik become particular and rare to be traced. Mushroom Cultivation Oyster mushroom business is promising. Beside the raw mushrooms and the seeds, mushrooms processed food sales are also promising. Mushroom is known for it delicious and can be processed into various dishes. At first glance, the meat tastes like chicken. Mushrooms are very popular vegetarian because it considered as the substitute of meat. Mushrooms, is an easy-to-cook material that can be added into some foods. Moreover, there are various kind of foods that can be produce by using mushroom like, dodol or kind of sweet sticky cake, mushroom crackers or botok. Botok is kind of traditional food which wrapped in banana leaves. Settled in Wadungasih village, Buduran sub-district, City of Sidoarjo, East Java, the cultivation of Oyster mushroom or being known as King Oyster Mushroom. There are 33 mushroom farmers in this village which each of them gain Rp. 3.000.000 for minimum income. This cultivation become an industrial since 2003. To pursue the cultivation is not too difficult. We can put the mushroom spores into a plastic bag that is filled with sawdust. This bag is then stored in a rack at the shelter mushroom, it called “Kombong Jamur.” After 35 days, it can be harvested. Among 3,700 packs of mushroom spores, it can be harvested at least five kilos per day. In appropriate weather conditions such as the rainy season, the harvest can be increase to 15 kilograms per day with a price of Rp 12,000 per kilogram. Duck Breeding And Salted Egg Industry Salted eggs is one way to increase egg usage which is commonly done by the community. Salted eggs is one protein sources that easily available and relatively inexpensive. Salted eggs is one of food ingredients that has been preserved and having a durability of damage is better than raw eggs. Kebonsari village, Candi district, Sidoarjo, is the place of duck breeding and salted egg industry. It was started on 1992, there are 30 inhabitants that having duck breeding, which each of them having 40.000 or 50.000 ducks in their stock. Those breed are produce thousand kilos of egg that ready to be salted and sale for almost Indonesia area. This Inauguration Duck and Salted Eggs industrial is become a model of populist economic empowerment through the existing potentials of the society. Kebonsari duck breeders products are potentialy good, both in quality and taste, the Omega 3 content from the eggs is good, and can be seen from the reddish-colored of egg yolks. However, to obtain the egg quality result, it requires expert staffs and require more cost. Moreover, the breeder should provide good nutrition to provide appropriate nutrient composition by mixing it properly. The products which are available is raw egg, hard-boiled egg and flavor egg. Fortunately, the flavor eggs is not yet available for market because the expired due date is just for one week That make the producers limiting the production before the any order required. The producers plant to make some flavor into the egg like, durian, chocolate, strawberry and salmon. Sidoarjo Cracker Industry Krupuk or kerupuk is type of crackers or snack crackers which is made from tapioca flour batter mixed with some ingredients such as shrimp or fish flavor. Crackers made by steaming batter before thinly cut, dried in the sun and fried with a lot of cooking oil. Krupuk is an Indonesian favourit side-dish that can be completing the meal during breakfast, lunch or even dinner. Sidoarjo is, once again, one of the famous producer for this industrial. Among 15000 Small and Medium Enterprises in Sidoarjo, most of them are belongs to cracker industrial. Along Majapahit street, there are several stores that provide Sidoarjo particular snacks, especially crackers. You just choose which you like; ready to eat crackers, or raw crackers to be your gift. At first, people only know that Sidoarjo is famous for its prawn crackers and fish crackers. However, today there are so many variant of crackers that can be found in Sidoarjo, instead of shrimp and fish crackers, like oyster cracker, keterung cracker (a type of jellyfish), this is the most expensive compared to shrimp and fish crackers because the raw material for the cracker is quite difficult to get. The stalls that sell Sidoarjo snacks are fairly easy to reach because it is located in the center of town, both in the way to Surabaya or Malang. The taste is very special compare to any other cracker from other area, that makes Sidoarjo cracker become popular among the customers. Colonel Sugiono Joint Streets Wedoro Waru Sidoarjo is solid then man grass. Parking area for two wheels has been full. All outlets have been opened and ready to greet the buyer with each pledge product. Wedoro village, Waru district, Sidoarjo regency is known as industrial centre of sandal and shoe since long time ago. Not only that, it also has batik and ‘tempe’ product. Start in 1978 shoe and sandal craft in this place has been progress and marked by the increase of the crafter and product. The material that applied for this craft is leather. Its distribution is still relying on the merchants in Turi Market, Supermarket, Blauran Market. During through years do transaction with the merchants; the crafter often feel harmed by payment system that apply giro billet, the payment due often imprecise and there is a cutting equal to 4-5% per month. Finally they try for self-supporting with open a showroom so that they can sell directly. The other constraint is the expensive of the main material price especially spoons and glue because distribution line length. Therefore, the crafters hope the role of government to create regulation that supporting their business. The product that yielded by the crafter is hardly variety and innovative. There are always newest model each month. They claimed for that purpose, because if they don’t do it, they will lose their business. In this area, sandal and shoe product price range between Rp 5000, – until Rp 35000, -. Even sometimes moment it has sold Rp 10000, – (3 sandal tides). Product that sold in Wedoro is not only made of local crafter but also there are external product for example Bogor and Bandung. The number of outlet up to June 2003 has reach 210. While, the amounts of the crafter that noted by the Shoe and Sandal Business Association is 600. The production ability of the crafter is 100 gorsier / week / crafter. In Waru district Sidoarjo regency, there are 17 villages, 9 part of it is the centre of sandal and shoe industrial that is Wedoro, Kepuh Kiriman, Brebek, Wadung Asri, Tambak Rejo, Ngingas, Tropodo, and Janti. Puspa Agro Sidoarjo Puspa agro is the first integrated modern agribusiness wholesale market in Indonesia located in Jemundo Village, Taman sub district with the total area of 50 hectares. This market is quite new, which was officially open in 17 July 2010, the stall is capable for 1200 seller for all over the area out of Sidoarjo. Of the two sections of first stage, has now booked out. They have become the new merchants and old traders. For the old trader, they come from Porong market and Keputran market. Which was those two markets were experienced eviction by the government. Currently, Puspa Agro has build two section buildings, which is sub-grosir and large wholesale booth with a capacity of 1045 units. And the buyer consists of farmers and traders who spread out in several areas in East Java. Thousands of farmers are ready to serve retail customers, wholesale up to a big party. This wholesale market can accommodate wholesalers, agricultural products, fisheries, or farms. Kritik dan Saran : Kurangnya promosi dan pengenalan objek wisata yang terdapat di Sidoarjo membuat potensi Kabupaten Sidoarjo sebagai Kota wisata sangatlah kurang, kita tahu Kabupaten Sidoarjo memiliki banyak objek wisata menarik yang patut di kunjungi. Apabila objek pariwisata dikaitkan dengan perkenomian. Hubungannya begitu erat yakni penduduk yang berada disekitar wisata tersebut di untungkan karena para pengerajin atau pengusaha untuk memasarkan atau menjual karya atau produknya. Secara langsung, Obek Wisata menjadi terkenal dan secara tidak langsung, banyak tenaga kerja dipekerjakan, sehingga dapat mengurangi penangguran di Kabupaten Sidoarjo. Selain promosi dan pengenalan, Pembangungan sarana dan prasarana penunjang sangat penting sehubungan dengan adanya Objek Wisata serta perawaratan untuk Objek Wisata bersifat history, misalnya Candi Pari. Saya menyarankan Pemerintah Kabupaten Sidoarjo dan Dinas Keparwisataan bersama masyarakat diharapkan untuk bekerja sama dan bersatu dalam meningkatkan program kepariwisataan tersebut. Welcome to Sidoarjo, Know and Love Sidoarjo. Thank |